The coolest place on the internet, according to this tagline.

The Internet is not broken, and does not need to be fixed. Left-wing extremists have been crying wolf for the past decade about the harm to the Internet if the federal government didn’t regulate it. Not only were they wrong, but the Internet has exploded with innovation. Do not regulate the Internet. The best way to keep it open and free is what has kept it open and free all along—no government intervention.

There’s an organization out there called American Commitment that is preying on stupid people who see things through Amurikkah-tinted glasses by reframing the debate on net neutrality into a “government takeover” of the internet. If you are one of the 2.4 million people who signed this petition, you are among the 2.4 million stupidest people in the country. Just thought I should tell you so you can learn to embrace your stupidity and realize that you’re letting some jackasses paid for by the Koch family feed your brain with mind-numbing bullshit.

May you see the error of your ways and spend a couple of minutes researching the jerks that are brainwashing you. Thanks. — Ernie @ SFB

October 1, 2014 // 15:10 // 9 years ago

180 notes from really cool Tumblrs like ours. Click to read.

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