The coolest place on the internet, according to this tagline.

That Heartbleed bug is some serious stuff. If you haven’t changed your Tumblr password already, do it right now, and if you run a site which uses OpenSSL, read this, stat.
Side note: Since when do security breaches use logos like early-2000s screamo...

That Heartbleed bug is some serious stuff. If you haven’t changed your Tumblr password already, do it right now, and if you run a site which uses OpenSSL, read this, stat.

Side note: Since when do security breaches use logos like early-2000s screamo bands? Well, it worked, didn’t it?

April 11, 2014 // 9:06 // 10 years ago

91 notes from really cool Tumblrs like ours. Click to read.

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