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Never too late to be an activist: Sister Megan Rice, 84, is going to prison for nearly three years for her role in a break-in at a uranium processing plant in Tennessee. Rice, center, is a Christian pacifist—and her protest, conducted with Michael...

Never too late to be an activist: Sister Megan Rice, 84, is going to prison for nearly three years for her role in a break-in at a uranium processing plant in Tennessee. Rice, center, is a Christian pacifist—and her protest, conducted with Michael Walli (left) Greg Boertje-Obed, was intended to protest nuclear weapons. The trio timed their 2012 protest (which included the spilling of human blood) to a period near the anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks in Japan.

The trio was fined $53,000 for the damage they caused to the high-security plant—but their protest surfaced some serious security flaws in the Y-12 National Security Complex, which some claimed made their actions heroic.

February 18, 2014 // 18:50 // 10 years ago

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